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Using Chat GPT to create Midjourney Prompts

ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful large language model that can be used for a wide range of applications, including acting as an agent to create mid-journey prompts. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use ChatGPT to create engaging mid-journey prompts that can help to enhance the user experience and the resultant image outputs from midjourney.

What are Mid-Journey Prompts?

Midjourney prompts are short text phrases that the Midjourney Bot interprets to produce an image. The Midjourney Bot breaks down the words and phrases in a prompt into smaller pieces, called tokens, that can be compared to its training data and then used to generate an image. A well-crafted prompt can help make unique and exciting images.

Follow the steps below to set Chat GPT up as a midjourney agent to assist you in prompt creation.

Step 1 setting up Chat GPT for midjourney use

we start with a prompt in chat GPT.

"Pretend you are a graphic designer generating creative images for midjourney. Midjourney is an app that can generate AI art from simple prompts. I will give you a concept and you will give me 5 different prompts that I can feed into midjourney. Be as creative as you can"

Now you will recieve a pretty random response from Chat GPT. In my session Chat GPT came back with 5 prompts under an 'underwater adventure concept.

Step 2: use your own context

Im not interested in an underwater adventure, so the next logical step is to input the concept you wish to explore. I input 'Architectural Photography'. Chat GPT will now return 5 prompts based on my concept.

Now you can copy and paste any of these prompts straight into Midjourney and see what amazing images you get. However if Chat GPT created a prompt you are particularly interested in diving deeper into you can follow the last step below.

Step 3: ask for prompt variations

I quite like 'Prompt 1 that Chat GPT created in the list above:

"A stunning cityscape at twilight, with diverse architectural styles bathed in warm, golden light, reflecting off glass windows and casting dramatic shadows."

So to explore that prompt further I can ask Chat GPT to give me 3 variations of that prompt

Its as easy as that to get Chat GPT to act as your agent for Midjourney. This is a great example of using 1 AI to inform another AI. Personally I struggle with a lack of creative imagination and key words for midjourney. Whilst Ive learnt alot from months of playing with Midjourney, I'm always interested in what Chat GPT gives me when I cant think of the right words for my prompts. You can see some examples of the images created by the prompts above in the gallery below.

Using ChatGPT to create mid-journey prompts can be a powerful way to enhance the user experience and improve the overall effectiveness of your Midjourney prompts. By following this guide you can create prompts that are engaging, helpful, and effective. So why not give it a try and see how ChatGPT can help you create better mid-journey prompts today!

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